Pre-requisites: Closures in JavaScript.
Currying is used to make the lighter version of the existing function. Its implementation will make the function shorter by taking the multiple parameters one at a time into a sequence of functions and making it more readable.
Let's see the concept thoroughly.
What is Currying
Currying is :
Function accepting only one argument
Having a series of nested functions in its closure scope
The last function will be returning the evaluated business logic
function multiply(a) {
return(b) => {
return(c) => {
return a*b*c;
multiply(2)(2)(2); // Output : 8 ;
Try to run multiply(2)(2) and multiply(2) to understand what exactly its returning.
Why use Currying
Compositions and remove repetitions
Isolate slow or expensive processes
Replace switch and ternary conditions in JS
Some real-world use cases
- While creating different URL paths for your website.
const createURL = baseURL => {
const protocol = "https";
// we now return a function, that accepts a 'path' as an argument
return path => {
return `${protocol}://${baseURL}/${path}`;
createURL("")("alishabhale"); // Removing repetitions of passing the same varibale again and again.
- While creating info-error-warning/alerts messages for your web application.
function messagePrompts(messageType) {
return (userName) => {
return (message) => {
console.log(`[${messageType}]- Hi, ${userName} - ${message}`);
messagePrompts('Info')('Alisha')('Try our premium plan for 3-months free');
messagePrompts('Error')('Alisha')('There was an error while processing you payment');
messagePrompts('alerts')('Alisha')('Your plan will be expiring tomorrow.');
- Implementing the conditions without using control flow statements like if...else or, control flow expressions like ?:
const True = 1;
const False = 0;
const If = Bool => Then => Else => [Else, Then][Bool];
console.log(If(True)('1')('2')); // 1
console.log(If(False)('1')('2')); // 2
Partial application
In partial application, a function will have more than one fixed argument in its closure scope.
// Normal way
function multiply(a, b, c) {
return a*b*c
// Partial application
function multiply(a) {
return (b, c) => {
return a * b * c